gua ngerasa amat sangat emosional hari ini. mulai ngrasa kangen ma dy. mulai ngrasa takut bakalan kehilangan dy selamanya (padahal slama ini juga gua gak pernah milikin dy). mulai ngrasa kalo gua yang egois, ga bisa ngertiin posisinya dy. tapi somehow, gua ga nangis. gua ngrasa lebih kuat kali ini. emang udah seharusnya kali ya. gua udah ga bisa ngitung lagi berapa kali gua ngejalanin saat-saat kaya gini. over and over again.
kalo ini emang yang terbaik, gua ikhlas. gua cuman berharap kalo gua dah ngambil keputusan yang bener. rasanya gua udah ngelakuin smua yang bisa gua lakuin buat dy, so gua ga nyesel even akhirnya gua harus nyerah. yup, gua nyerah, white flag above my head.
God, rasanya baru kmaren dy tiba-tiba nongol di depan pintu rumah gua, bikin gua ketawa, sedih, nyaman, kangen, bahagia, terluka. minjem kata-katanya Bella Swan, hati gua kalo di X ray, pastinya kliatan kek keju chedar, bolong-bolong. but hey, keju chedar kan enak, itu yang bikin madtari terkenal seantero dunia persilatan nasional, heuheu.
this is my Linkin Park time, so lets scream it ...
I've lied to you
The same way that I always do
This is the last smile
That I'll fake for the sake of being with you
(Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(Everything has to end, you'll soon find we're out of time left to watch it all unwind)
The sacrifice is never knowing
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see your testing me pushes me away
I've tried like you
To do everything you wanted too
This is the last time
I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you
We're all out of time, this is how we find how it all unwinds
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
We're all out of time, this is how we find how it all unwinds
The sacrifice is never knowing
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