kathakania ..
The Fact That NO one Understands U, doesn't make u an artist - Zuma -
Saturday, August 14, 2010
It's a good bye
Monday, August 9, 2010
My Current Playlist
Story of Peter, Oh I Never Know, Bilur, Question, Perjalanan, Cut and Paste, Fighting Club - Sarasvati
Confession of Emptiness, Trust, Seringan Awan, Lovespell, Kekal, Unfolding Sympathy, Hope Meannes & Decision - Homogenic
Come What May - Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor
Pachelbel's Canon - Depapepe
Eet, The Call. Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Paparazi - Lady Gaga
Love The Way You Lie - Eminem feat Rihana
Something More - Secondhand Serenade
The Mess I Made - Parachute
All The Right Moves, Secret, Made for You, All This Time - One Republic
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My Hourglass Body ^^
According to the quiz I took on shabbyapple, my body shape called Hourglass.
And i quote:
Beautifully curvy. You have broad shoulders and/or a voluptuous chest, a smaller waist and gorgeous full hips.
Style icon: Marilyn Monroe
Style tips: Look for pieces that accentuate your curves and have a fitted waist. Fitted clothing, strait skirts and belted waists are best for you.
Ahaha, masa sih body gw sama ma Marylyn Monroe?? Versi miniaturnya kali yaak. Mungkin.
Dan website itu yang ternyata adalah online shop ngerekomendasiin few dresses that would look great on me. Mmmhhhh, do you have triple s size, sista?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
situs green living
Use my saturday noon to surf the net and found this (apa those?) awesome ecofriendly/green living sites :
this lovely site based in Singapore, chief by Nadya Hutagalung. It presents miscellaneous article and news about green living style from business, fashion, design to recipe. My favorite part is “Green Tips for Daily Living” , it informed me with new fact and tips (obviously) about being more eco friendly and at the same time saves money. It really encourage me to reuse and recycle my old stuff which lead me to this next sites.
“Yoohoo, I'm Connie and I love crafting, hot dogs and soft furry animals”. That’s what the blog owner said, by the way. This blog featured fashion, tips to make things from reusable items such as scarf and bangles, and also links to her favorite musicians/movie, etc.
This site gives us tons of DIY projects from making a five minutes cake to making your own table with a well written instruction. As far as I know it was all written by various members. Can’t wait to try the projects ^^
This is also a DIY blog with tons of projects. I like the projects to turn old shirt into a different outfits, stunning. Hope I can pull my lazy hands and give those projects a shoot since I have lots of old tee on my closet.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My name is dian, and I'm not a terrorist
Film ini nyeritain tentang Khan. Walaupun lahir dengan asperger syndrome, dia punya ibu dan guru yang hebat yang ngebantu Khan buat ngembangin potensinya dia. What good about Khan? dia polos, cerdas dan jago ngebenerin barang-barang rusak. Kepolosan dia yang jadi sumber komedi di film ini dan keahliannya ngebenerin barang yang jadi modal dia buat survive pas pergi buat nyari Bush.
Dua jempol deh buat film ini, I'm laughing out loud and crying a river during the show. Ketawa-ketawa ngeliat tingkah konyolnya Khan, trus mewek-mewek ngeliat tragedinya. Dan meskipun ini adalah film bollywood, I'm so glad soalnya ga ada nyanyian2 dan nari2 ala film bollywood biasanya. Bagusnya lagi, film ini ngambil setting dari real event. Mulai dari perang sodara muslim hindu tahun 1983 di India, 9/11, bencana alam, ampe pemilihan presiden USA 2009. Semuanya dirangkai, disatuin di kisah hidupnya Khan. This is definitely a must seen movie.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Personality Test

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Child Abuse
Lots of research found that all kind of mental disorder related to human bad experience when they were a child. Child who got molested by their parents will behave aggressive, and after they become parents they would act cruelly to their children. Aggressive parents born aggressive children that eventually will become aggressive adults. So, there you go, axis of evil.
I think this world will be a better place if we could treat children right. Hopelly i will remember this note when someday i become a mom.