Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Personality Test

42.11 % plegmatis + 39.47 % melankolis, hasil analisa dari aplikasi pesonality test yang gw dapet dari XL-mania (baca : microsoft excel, bukan provider hape). Want to know what I think? ga tau apa angka persennya tepat, tapi sifat2 yang disebutin di situ emang gw banget. So, aplikasi nya emang yahud banget (^ _^)d. Pertanyaan yang harus dijawab di test ini emang banyak banget plus kadang2 bikin bingung (like any other psi quiz), jadi emang paling bagus kalo ngerjainnya pas lagi nyantei. So, why don't you try it and have fun (^- ^).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Child Abuse

One day there was a young woman with a crying boy in a market. She grumble to the boy, really don't know what she was saying, probably asked him to be quite. Cause the boy still crying, she pinched him in his nape of neck. Obviouslly it didn't worked either, even worst, he cry much more louder. Minutes later i heard a sound of slap, yup, she slap him, then back grumbling in her native lang. O.K, let me get this straight, she slap a probably five years old boy hard, in public, and didn't look regret it even a bit. What's wrong with that bitch? She probably deserve a jail time by abusing child like that. I just wish she's not his mom, cause she didn't deserve to be one. Fine, your child cry while you're tired probably anoying, but a child is a child. They don't understand when you're tired or not. All they deserve is love, fun, joy and hapiness. Adults abusing children should be shame on their self, cause the children are not an object to release your anger, pick your own size !!!

Lots of research found that all kind of mental disorder related to human bad experience when they were a child. Child who got molested by their parents will behave aggressive, and after they become parents they would act cruelly to their children. Aggressive parents born aggressive children that eventually will become aggressive adults. So, there you go, axis of evil.

I think this world will be a better place if we could treat children right. Hopelly i will remember this note when someday i become a mom.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pagi ini

Make it mine. Bangun. zzZZz. Bangun. zzZZz. akhirnya Bangun beneran. Lem. Cofee. Byur byur byur. Cofee lagi. Mirror2 on the wall who's the pretties of them all. Ooops, tambah sempit ("- " ;). Bolor. Bye home. Dumped. BEngong. One hour. Hi Office. Jadi fashion consultant gadungan \(^O^)/. Writing this down.